
My Roommate Sucks

Today I'm aggravated by my rude and obnoxious roommate.  He yells at and hits the CNAs and other staff here at the nursing home and I get tired of it.  He's also told staff that they should kill me on a copule of occasions. 

The Jellyfishes are Hungry

 My jellyfishes are hungry today. One wants marinara, the other wants a Sausage McMuffin.

I am still good.

 I am still doing good.  Things have been good, I'm doing physical therapy and that has been going OK.  It hurts my arms a lot but hopefully it helps.

Had a good day!

 I had a good day, I spent time on my computer and on the phone.  I actually got my night time medication on time too.

Good Morning

 I guess everything is good.  I'm currently being kept up by the help me lady here at almost 1:00 in the morning.  She yells help me all night sometimes.

